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Indonesia's quest to build a robust digital economy and ecosystem will get a boost in August with the launch of a dedicated series of industry events comprising the inaugural Indonesia ICT Summit, Communic Indonesia and Broadcast Indonesia 2016, to be held from 31 August - 3 September at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran.

Indonesia ICT Summit 2016 is hosted by Indonesian industry body Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia (MASTEL) and is expected to attract about 1000 delegates.

MASTEL chairman, Ir Kristiono, said: ""The Indonesia ICT Summit, provides an interactive avenue where industry stakeholders and professionals can engage with each other on a multitude of relevant industry issues. The two exhibitions accompanying the summit will bring together top tech innovators and global ICT and broadcasting brands represented by over 450 exhibitors from more than 40 countries/regions. International group pavilions from Brunei, China, Germany, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and USA are expected.""

Solutions fundamental to driving Indonesia's ICT and broadcasting media landscape forward will also feature at Communic Indonesia and Broadcast Indonesia. Solutions related to infrastructure technology, broadband, satellite communications, mobility and enterprise solutions including cloud and big data to aid in connecting the population and elevating business productivity and standards of living will make up the bulk of Communic Indonesia. Broadcast Indonesia will lean into Indonesia's push for a migration to full digital broadcasting.

Communic Indonesia and Broadcast Indonesia 2016 will be staged in co-operation with Singapore Exhibition Services '“ organizers of the annual CommunicAsia and BroadcastAsia.